Providing the Finest Canine Accommodation

Daily Rates
The Daily Rate is $65.00 Inclusive of GST
This rate is inclusive of daily exercise, social interaction, feeding and care.
Supply of clean Mink Blanket for the duration of stay - Toys & Treats

Prior to Collection
Given we are on a farm and our guests love to find the best places to play, they may be dirty on pick up.
We do offer a service to bath your dog prior to collection.
If you choose to have your dog bathed they will be bathed the evening before
or day of, depending on your pick up time.
The cost for this service starts from $45 Inc GST
(Depending on size of Dog & Coat Condition)​
This optional extra can be selected during your booking process.

Breakfast / Dinner
Due to the MANY different dietary requirements, and selections of food available.
You must provide your dog's breakfast and or dinner.
Due to their increased activity their food may need to be increased to maintain condition.
Please provide more than enough for your dogs entire stay.

We supply a variety of Ruff Dawg and West Paw toys for all guests in our care.
If your dog prefers their own toys you are welcome to bring a couple.
We will not be responsible for any damage or loss of toys.

Dogs are exercised several times a day, with breaks in between.
All dogs are assessed before having social time with other dogs. If they are not suitable for
group settings, they are exercised individually.
If you prefer your dog not to mix with other dogs we can accommodate them.
All social time is supervised.
We practice appropriate play and good energy within the groups

We supply a mink blanket to all our guests for the duration of their stay.
However, you are more than welcome to bring a blanket or bed if you feel it will make your dog more comfortable.
We will not be responsible for any damage of bedding provided.